Marine Conservation Institute and Blue launched The Blue Parks Small Grants in the summer of 2023. This grant program does not aim to support long-term, ongoing ecological monitoring or surveillance activities but encourages piloting innovative approaches to improve conservation outcomes or upgrading infrastructure, equipment, or training. After careful consideration of all the applications, we are happy to announce the six inaugural recipients of Blue Parks Small Grants.

Misool Marine Reserve, Indonesia

Sustainable tourism

In Misool Marine Reserve, a pilot project will test a Tourism Management System to ensure visitor numbers do not exceed the scientific guidance on the amount that is sustainable for its fragile coral reef ecosystems. If the pilot project is a success, it will be rolled out across the whole Raja Ampat MPA Network which also earned Blue Park status.


Apo Reef Natural Park, Philippines

Clean clear water

At Apo Reef Natural Park, the grant will support enhanced water quality monitoring to inform management decisions and ensure good water quality to protect the coral reefs in the park.


Piedra del Viento Sanctuary, Chile

Local community engagement

Fundacion Rompientes, a Chilean organization that facilitated the establishment of the community led Piedra del Viento Sanctuary, will launch an environmental education program with a mobile classroom that will be deployed to local communities and coastal areas with high visitation, improving public engagement and stewardship.


Old Providence-McBean Lagoon National Natural Park, Colombia

Clean and restore mangrove forest

At Old Providence-McBean Lagoon, a community will improve mangrove conservation within the park by cleaning up and restoration the forest. The mangroves forest support high biodiversity, act as natural barriers to flooding and storm damage, and play the vital role of capturing carbon.


Chumbe Island Coral Park, Tanzania

Upgrade monitoring equipment

Chumbe Island Coral Park will improve the monitoring program that supports the conservation management of its vital coral reefs. New data collection equipment will help managers better understand climate change impacts and inform the creation of a new MPA buffer zone.


Kisite-Mpunguti Marine Park & Reserve, Kenya

Enhance community Stewardship

Kisite-Mpunguti aims to enhance community stewardship of the MPA by improving signage and navigation aids, educating boat operators, empowering women’s groups to plant mangrove seedlings, and holding community engagement clean-up events.