A new model for sustainable MPA

With Blue Alliance

Establishing self-sustaining Marine Protected Areas  (MPAs)

Managing a Marine Protected Area (MPA) requires substantial investment and funding. On average, each MPA needs approximately US$600,000 annually to implement effective management practices, which include law compliance, community development, scientific monitoring and conservation efforts. Limited or restricted funding can directly reduce the effectiveness of MPA protections. Therefore, it is crucial to help MPAs generate long-term, continuous income to maintain high levels of protection independently.

An innovative approach to achieving this financial sustainability is to leverage the blue economy by building “reef-positive” businesses. These businesses include responsible ecotourism, community-based aquaculture, blue carbon credits, and sustainable fisheries. Each of these enterprises addresses specific drivers of coral reef ecosystem degradation while also contributing financially to MPA management. This financial support can come through dividends and/or revenue sharing, benefiting both the MPA and the local community.

Above: Northern Pemba Channel Conservation Area (PECCA) Location

Pemba Channel Conservation Area, Zanzibar

In 2024, Blue is teaming up with Blue Finance to build a reef-positive social enterprise for sustainable tourism in the Pemba Channel Conservation Area. This initiative includes introducing the underwater room, a unique facility in Africa (and worldwide) that offers guests a memorable experience of discovering marine wildlife in an entirely new way.

The revenue generated from this responsible eco-tourism practice will be channeled into the conservation efforts of the Pemba Channel Conservation Area. The specific activities funded by this initiative will include combating illegal and unsustainable fishing, reducing threats to coral reef ecosystems, preserving mangroves from deforestation, and protecting sea turtles.

The underwater room in Pemba Channel Conservation Area

Blue Finance & Blue Alliance

Blue Finance is an social enterprise working with governments to build and manage MPAs that regenerate coral reef ecosystems and improve the lives of local communities. They bridge the marine conservation financing gap through innovative, blue economy reef-positive businesses in and around the MPAs.