The carbon rating tool

“Companies are encouraged to decarbonise to the extent possible. The remaining “residual emissions” are whatever emissions they emit to be able to operate - and that’s what we rate”.

Carbonary is the latest Blue initiative to improve transparency around carbon emissions and carbon offsetting. We believe everyone should have easy access to easy-to-understand carbon emissions data - so we aggregated data from over 1900 publicly-traded companies and made it all accessible on one tool. We also provide companies with a carbon rating, taking into account the following elements:

  1. Transparency - Have they disclosed all of their data? Has it been verified externally?

  2. Carbon offsetting - How much of their emissions have been offset? What type of carbon credits?

  3. Financial capacity - Does the progress they’ve made match what they’re financial capable of achieving, or could they do more?

A new perspective on carbon emissions

More than ever before, climate and finance are interconnected. Investors recognize the necessity of climate-conscious investments alongside financial gains. Companies seek to mitigate risks by aligning with future regulations and minimizing environmental impact and reputational damage.

Transparency around carbon emissions is vital for effective benchmarking and analyses, yet the data remains elusive, incomplete, and confusing. That’s what we aim to change through our initiative, Carbonary. Our mission is to improve transparency around residual emissions and carbon offsetting, providing companies with a clear roadmap to improve and improving visibility for investors. 

We aggregate an extensive collection of data from over 1900 publicly traded companies and make it available and easily accessible in our tool. We also provide a carbon rating for each company.

Carbon emissions analyses are often based on carbon intensity. However, relying too heavily on this metric could, arguably, prove counter-productive in the effort to mitigate climate change as it can sideline key sectors of the economy. Many companies in carbon-intense industries who have made significant improvements to decarbonise (relative to their financial capacity to do so) are penalised, whilst companies in low-carbon sectors who could afford to make further progress (relative to their financial capacity to do so), get a free pass into so-called "green portfolios" without having made much progress at all. For climate-conscious investors, we believe there is a more efficient way to analyse carbon data. Our tool follows a systematic approach to carbon rating, taking into account a company’s financial capability to decarbonise.

Investors’ expectations with regard to the climate transition are evolving and if they hope to attract financial capital, companies will have to meet those expectations. Carbonary can facilitate them in doing so by improving data transparency and accelerating companies’ progress towards net-zero.

Extensive Data Aggregation

Simple & Interactive Analyses

Actionable Ratings & Insights

Why use Carbonary?

Our tool aggregates sporadic and difficult-to-find data and makes it freely available to all users.

We provide carbon ratings that take into account companies’ transparency, carbon offsetting and financial capacity.

The user selects their preferences - they only display data they want to see.